True Management

Feb 21, 20202 min

3 Elements to Look Out for in a Good Property Manager - Our Guide

Just like any other type of investment out there, investing your money into properties carries risk. Anything can happen, whether that be a sudden drop in the market or a jump in rental prices. In other words, you'll always be at risk of losing what you've worked so hard for.

Of course, this shouldn't stop you from investing in properties. It is perhaps one of the best investments you can ever make, as prices always regularly go up and higher as demand increases. That said, you'd still want a way to manage that risk. Well, you can do that with good property management.

If you're looking to work with a property management company, here are three elements you should pay attention to:

1. Ability to Maximize Your Investments

A good property manager will know that monitoring your property's rental return is important (as well as maximizing it). A property's rental return can help you determine whether your investment is better than any other opportunities that might be available for investing as well.

In other words, with the help of a good property manager, you'll be able to determine which investments you should be making. At the same time, the property manager helps you achieve the best returns on the investments you've currently made with a series of tactics, such as keeping low vacancy rates and maintaining consistent communication with tenants.

2. Can Maintain Good Relationships

A good property manager will have the skill to develop and maintain healthy relationships. They know that this is vital in terms of keeping things sound between you and the manager, and also with the tenants that they're in charge of.

When good communication skills are combined with regular contacts, your property enjoys a much higher rate of success. That's because not only will you be able to trust your property manager, but that you'll trust whatever the manager does, allowing him or her to utilize strategies that they know works to land you excellent returns.

3. Are Always Proactive

While property managers need to look good in their current state, they must do so still into the future. In other words, a good property manager won't only focus on success now, but success later.

A proactive approach is vital to do this. It means that a property manager will take the extra step in always searching for ways to improve your property, ultimately improving your investments. They'll also advise you on certain things, such as dividing costly upgrades or repairs over a while. Not only will this ensure that the property is well-maintained but also up to date.

A proactive property manager will work with you, not for you or for themselves, to achieve the best results.


While properties are regarded as one of the safest investments anyone can make, it still holds risk. With a property manager, any problems and issues are kept safe from you, and the risk of flopping on your investment drops significantly. The best property managers out there will put your interests as a priority, doing whatever it takes to ensure the best returns from your investments. That said, if you aren't working with a property management company yet, we highly recommend that you do as soon as possible.

Get in touch with True Management for all your New York City property management needs.
